Complementary feed for piglets
HyoBoost is a controlled source of highly available energy for piglets born small or weak.
The small or weak piglets in a newborn litter will often loose in the fight for access to the lifesaving first milk from the sow. Particularly for piglets in large litters this may be happening. It is important to give these piglets an extra help to increase their energy level, allowing them to get access to the first milk. HyoBoost has been shown to help the piglets to a better start, particularly those from sows giving birth to their first litter.
HyoBoost is composed to have a high content of feed ingredients with easily available energy.
In large litters there will often be some small piglets which have a physiological need for extra energy to get their suckling started.
By administering a few pumps of HyoBoost orally to these piglets they will receive the extra energy enabling them to start suckling the sow thereby getting the important colostrum.
HyoBoost is formulated as a paste packed in plastic bottles of 200 ml.
A dosing pump is available per each 10 bottles.
Controlled source of highly available energy for piglets born small or weak
HyoBoost orally to weak piglets, will give the extra energy enabling them to start suckling the sow
HyoBoost has been shown to help the piglets to a better start, particularly those from sows giving birth to their first litter.